Worst Ultra-Processed Foods List: What to Avoid and Why

photo of ultra-processed food - soft drink, sweets, burger, crisps

We hear a lot about how ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are bad for our health, but how do you spot them? UPFs are heavily modified, full of additives and stripped of natural nutrients. Here’s a list of some of the worst ultra-processed foods and why you should steer clear of them.

Top 10 Worst Ultra-Processed Foods to Avoid

1. Soft Drinks

Examples: Coca-Cola, Redbull, Robinsons Squash
Why Avoid: Soft drinks are packed with sugar and artificial additives. Even the sugar-free versions contain preservatives that can harm your gut and energy.

2. Fast Food

Examples: McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC
Why Avoid: Fast food uses restructured meats and refined flours. Fried in unhealthy oils, these foods are loaded with ultra-processed ingredients.

3. Sugary Breakfast Cereals

Examples: Frosties, Cocopops, Cheerios
Why Avoid: These cereals are stripped of natural fibres and nutrients. They’re loaded with sugar and artificial nutrients, making them a poor nutritional choice.

4. Bread

Examples: Warburton’s, Hovis, Kingsmill
Why Avoid: Packaged soft loaves contain preservatives and emulsifiers to keep them fresher for longer and give them that irresistible soft texture. While baking fresh bread only needs four ingredients, you’ll usually find 10+ ingredients on the back of pack. Here’s a list of more natural bread options you can find in your supermarket.

5. Packaged Crisps

Examples: Walkers, Pringles, Kettle Chips
Why Avoid: Crisps are made from reconstituted potatoes, fried and coated in artificial flavours and preservatives. They’re high in unhealthy fats and salt.

6. Processed Meats

Examples: Sausages, hot dogs, ham
Why Avoid: Processed meats are made from restructured meat held together by stabilisers and preservatives. These additives reduce the meat’s nutritional quality.

7. Ready Meal Sandwiches

Examples: Pre-packaged sandwiches
Why Avoid: These sandwiches contain processed meats, cheeses and sauces packed with artificial ingredients and preservatives. The bread is often ultra-processed too.

8. Confectionery

Examples: Chocolate bars, sweets
Why Avoid: Confectionery is made from sugar and fats mixed with artificial colours and flavours. They offer little nutrition but are packed with unhealthy sugars.

9. Ready Meals

Examples: Microwave dinners, frozen pizzas
Why Avoid: Ready meals are full of preservatives and artificial flavours, with high salt content. They’re convenient but offer little in terms of nutrition.

10. Packaged Biscuits and Cakes

Examples: Biscuits, cookies, cakes
Why Avoid: These are made from refined flour, sugar and fats with added preservatives. They’re high in unhealthy sugars and fats, making them a poor choice for regular consumption.

Why You Should Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-processed foods are designed to be highly palatable, often leading to overeating. They contain excessive amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats and salt, and can lead to health issues like obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The artificial additives used in these foods can also negatively affect gut health and energy levels.

How to Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

To cut down on ultra-processed foods, focus on whole, unprocessed ingredients like fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Cooking from scratch gives you control over what goes into your meals. And we you do eat packaged food, always check food labels—if you see long lists of unrecognisable ingredients, it’s likely ultra-processed. Choose foods with fewer, natural ingredients and opt for minimally processed or organic options when you can.


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